Image by Brendan Felch
About the Artist
Taylor was born in Fujian, China and raised in sunny Miami, Florida. She is currently based in Baltimore, MD as a 3D Visualization Artist. She creates 3D renders of architecture and transportation. On the side, she 3D scans historic boats, architecture, and sculpture for VFX and educational purposes. She graduated with a BFA from the Stamps School at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor with a concentration in digital fabrication and illustration. Taylor also participated in a sustainability project Gabon, Africa in addition to studying Chinese film and economics at Renmin University in Beijing, China.
She has worked on a number of creative projects including recreating a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton for the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History, 3D scanning corals at the Invertebrate Zoology Lab in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, performing photogrammetry on Asian coins at Smithsonian American History Museum, and 3D scanning cultural artifacts at the US State Department. She has received the Candy R. Wei Prize for International Study in Art and Design, Arts at Michigan Student Grant, and the Confucius Institute Scholarship for Chinese studies.
Taylor aspires to be at the intersection between art, science, technology, and education. During her free time she freelances, does gymnastics, and looks for cats in windows.
Taylor on the interwebs...
Women of Sketchfab: Taylor Houlihan
Taylor Houlihan Recreates a 3.2-Million-Year-Old Skeleton
2018 Smithsonian DPO Annual Report
RMI HOSTS Technology Demonstration for Annapolis Legislators
Internship Spotlight: Taylor Houlihan at the Smithsonian
Candy R. Wei Prize for International Studies in Art and Design: Taylor Houlihan; Destination: China
3D Scanning at Invertebrate Zoology Department
International Experience: Taylor Houlihan’s Beijing